Saint-Petersburg State University
Faculty of Biology

Department of Invertebrate Zoology


Sticholonche is a unique protist that appears to ignore the Reynolds number. Food gathering generates thrust.

Reference: Korsun S, 2011. Taxopodida Fol 1883. In: Protista. III. Handbook of Zoology (Ed. S.A. Karpov), Moscow, KMK Scientific Press Ltd., p. 160-167 + 1 color plate [in Russian]

Sticholonche. Taxopodida

Fig. 101. Sticholonche zanclea total view. Perinuclear capsule and the rosettes of radial spicules shown. A, dorsal view. Á, side view with dorsal surface facing right. (Drawing from Hollande & Enjumet 1954)

Sticholonche. Taxopodida. Perinuclear capsule

Fig. 102. Schematic drawing of axonemes on Sticholonche zanclea nucleus. Axonemes cut at the level of Fol’s columns. Anterior to the left. (After Hollande et al. 1967).

Sticholonche. Taxopodida. Axopodium motility

Fig. 103. Scheme illustrating axopodium motility in Sticholonche zanclea. The anterior half of the cell is cut off. All axopodia are articulated to the nucleus (only those in the section plane are shown). Axopodia are dorsal (ä), dorsolateral (äë), lateral (ë) and ventral (â). Thin arrows indicate axopodium trajectory: active stoke (solid line) and recovery stroke (dashed line). Thick arrows at the dorsal surface show how a dorsal furrow (sulcus) narrows and widens when axopodia beat. (After Cachon et al. 1977).

Sticholonche. Taxopodida. Fol’s colums

Fig. 104. Fol’s colums. Schematic drawings. A. Transversal section of Sticholonche axopodium on the level of Fol’s columns. Á. Transversal section of Fol’s columns. B. Three-dimensional reconstruction. àí, axoneme; ïë, plasma membrane; ôè, extracellular fibrils. (À. After Hollande et al. 1967. Á,Â. After Cachon & Cachon 1978)

Sticholonche. Taxopodida

Fig. 105. Articulation between the axoneme base and the perinuclear capsule in Sticholonche. êà, karyoplasm; êÔ, Fol’s column; ëà, lacunae; ìò, microtubules; ìõ, mitochondria; ïê, perinuclear capsule; òô, thin filaments; ôè, extracellular fibrils; ýð, er cistern; ÿî, nuclear envelope. (Modified after Cachon et al. 1977; Cachon & Cachon 1978)

Sticholonche. Taxopodida

Fig. 106. Nuclear transformations in Sticholonche zanclea prior to multiple fission. A. Nuclear protuberance extends from ruptured nuclear capsule. Chromosomes attracted to the vertex of protuberance. Bases of axopodia shown. Lateral view. Á. The protuberance becomes multivertex after a series of endomitoses. Rear view. (After Cachon & Cachon 1969).

Sticholonche. Taxopodida. Light micrographs

Fig. 107. Light micrographs of Sticholonche. À,Á,Â,Ã,Ä. Live individuals. 1, axopodia; 2, extracellular elastic envelope, in which spicules are inserted; 3, perinuclear capsule; 4, radial spicules arranged in rosettes. Å,Æ. Empty envelopes with attached spicules. There is an acanatharian in fig. Æ at 11 o’clock. Sticholonche body size in all images is c. 50 µm. (À,Á,Â,Ã,Ä. Mediterranean, Villefranche-sur-mer; inverted compound microscope Carl Zeiss Axiovert; images courtesy of A. Kudryavtsev. Å,Æ. Equatorial Atlantic; inverted compound microscope Carl Zeiss Axiovert; images courtesy of K. Hausmann and A. Kudryavtsev).

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